AMMAN – The ‘Toward Digital Jordan Committee’, one of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum (TAG-KF) committees, held a meeting for its members through smart digital applications to resume its activities and action plan developed since its establishment last year to create strategies and procedures for transforming Jordan into a knowledge-based society in addition to proposing programs, laws and measures to be submitted to decision makers.

The Forum is a think-tank center that formulates recommendations and suggestions on all economic related policies and present them to decision makers to transform Jordan into a digital knowledge based society.

Committee Chair, Eng. Hisham Qattan, stated that the meeting comes at a very critical stage Jordan and the world are passing through because of the outbreak of the coronavirus which hit the world and crippled various aspects of people’s daily life.

 During the meeting, members of the Committee reviewed the effects of the pandemic, calling for an actual digital transformation to deal with the corona’s  effects on the various sectors. The Committee had some conclusions at the end of the meeting including: the necessity for creating a unified point of reference authorized to implement the digital transformation program on all government levels. This point of reference would report directly to the prime minister or whoever he delegates to set up a comprehensive strategic plan in partnership with the private sector, benefit from the information and communication technologies and the proper utilization of data and databases available to generate best results for digital transformation.

The Committee also underlined the importance of learning from the previous experiments of the crisis when drawing the strategy as well as the importance of modernizing the required legislation to ensure the smooth transformation to the new requirements such as learning remotely, health issues, flexible working hours among others.

Members of the Committee also underscored the significance of their Committee’s role pertaining to the importance of the Internet in bridging the digital gap among members of the society and in overcoming post-crisis shocks and outcomes. 

It is worth mentioning that the  ‘Toward Digital Jordan’ Committee is chaired by Eng.  Hishan Qattan, ICT Expert, while its members include Ms. Reema Diab, Founder and CEO of Galaxy Information Technology, Eng. Samer Al Shamayleh, ICT expert, Mr. Abdul-Hameed Al Rahamneh, Director General of Almonsifoon Trading & Consulting Company, and Eng. Malik Fathi Al Amayreh, Head of the Electrical Engineering Division - Jordanian Engineers Association.